Northwest Demolition was selected in a best value proposal for the multi-year demolition, demilitarization, and remediation of structures at Clear AFS. The remediation consisted of the removal of Asbestos and PCBs that contaminated the structure’s paint and other building materials. Due to the pervasiveness of PCB contamination, the vast majority of demolition waste was treated as PCB bulk waste. The remote location of the installation required a network of transportation modes; ISO hazardous waste containers on truck chassis were hauled to Fairbanks, where they were transferred to rail, then transferred to an ocean-going barge in Anchorage. Railcars were then transferred back to the railline from the barge in Seattle, and finally transferred for disposition at the Chemical Waste Management facility in Oregon. Due to the impact of sub-arctic seasonal weather patterns, work was restricted to the Spring and Summer months. The demolition component consisted of 6 interconnected missile defense radar support structures stretching over ½ mile, totaling some 300,000 square-feet, including an aluminum strut dome towering 160’ tall. More than 13,000 lineal feet of wave guide and other sensitive materials were deformed and certified demilitarized prior to being considered for removal from site. The works scope also included protection of adjacent areas, site restoration, and water management.
In total, more than 1,100 loads were characterized, tarped, and hauled off site for disposal, including 7,200 tons of PCB bulk waste. Northwest Demolition is proud to have worked over 52,000 man hours on site without a lost time incident.