• INDUSTRY:Ports/Maritime
  • CLIENT:Portland Development Commission
  • LOCATION:Portland, OR

Northwest Demolition was solicited by the Portland Development Commission during the pre-construction phase of the project. During this inital period, Northwest Demolition served on a collaborative team of owner’s representatives and project consultants to strategize, permit, and develop a work plan that supported the construction budget and scheduling goals.

The construction phase of this project included sequential demolition, asbestos abatement, and salvage of a majority of onsite structures. Major work items included erosion control, timber salvage, historic preservation, and a reinforcement of remaining structures. The project construction was completed in a 2-phase approach. Phase One involved the demolition and removal of above basement structures, both on land and over water; Phase Two consisted of slab and piling removal.

Despite the technical challenge and ambitious schedule, Northwest Demolition and our subcontractors were able to complete the work 3 months ahead of time, while also being under budget by nearly $2.9 Million.